Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

Translation and Interpreter

Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language, in the from written text.

Jadi translation adalah penggantian isi/materi teks dari satu bahasa ke bahasa yang lain dengan bentuk tulisan.

Interpretation is facilitative oral or signature language communication between uses of different language.

Jadi Interpretation ini adalah komunikasi bahasa antara pengguna bahasa yang berbeda dengan menggunakan satu orang yang menguasai dua bahasa. Menggunakan bahasa lisan.

  1. Consecutive   : Jadi kita mentranslate bahasa orang itu setelah orang itu selesai berbicara.
  2. Simultaneous : Jadi kita mentranslate bahasa orang itu sambil mereka berbicara.
  3. Untuk mengurangi kesalahan adalah dengan membaca materi, karena materi merupakan master materi.

  1. Able to use the source and target language
  2. Knowing the culture of source and target language
  3. Knowing the topic
  4. Understanding the written language
  5. Able to express the idea of written language
  6. Able to use dictionary or other references

  1. Able to use the source and target language
  2. Knowing the culture of source and target language
  3. Knowing the topic
  4. Understanding the spoken language 
  5. Able to listen, write, and express information in the same time 
  6. Able to make decision immediately

History of Subang

On Hinduism cultural period, Subang Regency territory became a part of 3 kingdoms : Tarumanagara, Galuh, and Pajajaran.

The early coming of Islamic cultural in Subang Regency territory was marked of the role of an ulama figure, Wangsa Goparana. He came from Talaga, Majalengka. On 1530’s, Wangsa Goparana opened  the new settlement in Sagalaherang dan introduced Islam to many parts of Subang Regency territory.

Subang came from named Subanglarang or Subangkarancang, who is the daughter of Ki Jamajan Teak. As time goes Subanglarang marriage with King Siliwangi as king of Padjadjaran, of the marriage were born two children, named Raden Walangsungsang and Queen Rarasantang.

Sisingaan an art that comes from the area of Subang in West Java. Art is displayed in a manner that is shaped like a statue carrying the lion ridden by small children and carried by four men as well as accompanied by beating of drums and trumpets. This art is usually displayed at the commemoration of the historic day.

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